All Souls Enrollment

pietaNovember is the month of the Holy Souls. The Church prays in a special way for those who are in need of purification. Beginning with the Feast of All Saints, Our Lady of Angels Association will offer a Mass each day for your beloved deceased who are enrolled.                 

Please submit the names of your loved ones and friends whom you want remembered in these 30 Masses. They will certainly pray for you when, having been purified, they enter into the fullness of God’s Kingdom. Any donation you wish to send along with the names will be used to further the good works of Our Lady of Angels Association.

Enter the names of your dearly departed loved ones for enrollment in the 30 Masses to be celebrated during the month of November. If you would like a Votive Light to burn in Our Lady’s Chapel for 30 days beginning on a specific anniversary date or on November 1st, please select below. We ask an offering of $5 for each light.  Six month and 1 Year Votive Lights are available upon request.

We are also able to offer individual Masses, Novenas, Triduums and Gregorian Masses. Please visit our Mass Intentions Page.

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Votive Light Offering For:
Votive Light Offering For:
Votive Light Offering For:
Votive Light Offering For:
Price: $5.00
Price: $25.00
Price: $50.00
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